Members Hub
A place where club members get club news, updates and general information.
Please Note: Members Hub is a work in progress. Anticipate many tweaks going forward. Inputs are welcome. Info shown below is only "Straw-Man" stuff. The content is only shown as examples. Don't get excited.
Expect mods to format, headings, order of placement, content, adds/deletes.
Expect mods to format, headings, order of placement, content, adds/deletes.
The lucky members car featured this month
July's Headlights are on
Larry Block's 37 Ford Sedan
Larry Block's 37 Ford Sedan
Updates, Reminders, Messages
- Monthly cruise
- Car show coming up
- Volunteers needed
- Upcoming club events
- Annual Fee's due date reminders
- Meetings calendar & reminder
Coordinator: Name/email
The most important Club function!
*Getting to know each other, Friendships, Camaraderie
*Hang out with your club buddies, bust some chops, hear new stories & check-out each others Rides - Where does this happen?
Coordinator: Name/email
The most important Club function!
*Getting to know each other, Friendships, Camaraderie
*Hang out with your club buddies, bust some chops, hear new stories & check-out each others Rides - Where does this happen?
- Mojos -- location Is: ______
- Gentleman's Breakfast -- location is:________
- General monthly meetings -- to be announced
- Club socials
- Coffee & Donut get-togethers held around the area - check out "Get-Togethers"
Members Services
Coordinator: Name/email
Coordinator: Name/email
Club Roster (sounds boring but its the membership road map!)
- Help keep it up to date
- How do I find members with cars like mine? - check the Roster
- Members Wish list: sort roster by Model -- Ford, Chevy, Mopar, Trucks,
Welcome New Members
- New member welcome package and introductions all around shows what the club is all about.
- Check-out new guys/gals car. An important connection to the club. Post car picture.
- A new member should attend min of 3 club meetings or club functions per year.
Member Spot Light
- The club extends a get well to a fellow member who would appreciate a "shout-out" from the club
- In "Memory Of" announcement
- Hand out congratulations to members for their "Car Guy/Gal" accomplishments
Signature Event
Cooridinator: Committee Nominated
Cooridinator: Committee Nominated
- Updates --- When, where, what (Whats a "Signature" event - good question)
- Volunteers will be needed
- Getting involved -- it makes for a better club
Fundraising Events, Donations, Causes, Sponsors
Coordinator: Name/email
Coordinator: Name/email
- Coordinate events used to Support local charitable organizations, Veterans Groups, Scholarships, Needy individuals, Tech schools and special causes
- Develop and manage sponsor programs: Preferred Suppliers & Partners. Arrange Discounts for R&W members, support local events, make donations
- In exchange for support what do we offer a sponsor
- Keep records
Coordinator: Ken Nicholson/[email protected]
Coordinator: Ken Nicholson/[email protected]
- Webmaster (Ken Nicholson) will walk you around the website each month to help find the latest inputs.
- The Website now requires a club password to access certain pages. The site is primarily a means of communication among R&W club members. Benefits of membership is access to password protected pages.
- Links will be created to shortcut the connection to various events, suppliers, Newsletters, club roster and other helpful information
Coordinator: Bobby Moitozo/email
Coordinator: Bobby Moitozo/email
- There is club merchandize that can make you look like an antique, classic or custom. Highboy, Lowboy or Fat Fendered our merchandize has you covered. See "Merchandize" page.
- When you place an order you own the stuff even if you don't pick it up!
- No returns -- if you order according to your beltline and tire size the stuff should fit!
- New stuff: TBD
Technical Tip of the Month
Coordinator: Mel Read/email
Coordinator: Mel Read/email
- club member tips on how to keep'em running & look'in good
Garage Sales
Coordinator: Name/email
Coordinator: Name/email
- Club "Garage Sale" events -- members wheel and deal with other members
- Got any car guy items that you don't need? Something you bought and never used or won at a raffle? Consider donating them to the club as raffle prizes for upcoming events.
- The club can help find groups we support to make donation -- Tech Schools for example
Club News Letter
Coordinator: Duane Verhaege, Bob McCullough/email
Coordinator: Duane Verhaege, Bob McCullough/email
- News Letter Inputs should come from many sources. The focus of "Members Hub" is: How can we make our club enjoyable and a cool club to be a member of.
- Inputs must be approved
- If you have news that you think would interest other members submit it to one of the club officers, use email or just drop a note to the "News Letter" mail box (front seat of hot rod). Keep it short, provide pictures, tell a story, humor is great, but keep it light. No Drama!